Chipstable Songs of Praise
The service was organised and ably led by Mary Whitmarsh.
This was a lovely service, with an enthusiastic congregation, proving that the older hymns are still very popular.
Most people stood up and explained why they had chosen their hymn, which was often very moving.
Oliver West, was our organist, who also confidently sang as he played, to lead us in a german hymn that was new to him..and us!
There was coffee, cheese and biscuits afterwards.
It was generally agreed that this should be an annual event.
Many thanks to all who had any part in organising this uplifting service.
Below is the list of hymns that were chosen.
Liz Kilbride, Lead us Heavenly Father lead us
Ann Martin, We plough the fields and scatter
Sue Levinge, Tell out my soul, the greatness of the Lord
Linda Martin, Bea and Johnnie, All things bright and beautiful
Dick Moody, Come my soul thou must be waking (German)
Yvonne Williams, O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Simon Coates, Angel voices ever singing
Jean Roberts, Eternal Father, strong to save
Margaret Whellam, Guide me O thou great Redeemer,
Mike and Pat Howard, The Lord's my shepherd
John and Mary Whitmarsh, Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Andy Kilbride, Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
Flick Dick-Read, Thou day thou gavest Lord, is ended
Posted on July 26th 2015